Low back pain is one is the most common conditions in american adults.
There are many common causes of low back pain and neck pain. Please call the office for an appointment to find out why you have pain. Some of the more common causes of low back pain and neck pain have been included in this section of the website for your viewing.
In many patients, the back and neck pains travel down their arms and legs. It is important to have an immediate evaluation to determine the problem and extent of the damage. In more extreme cases, other symptoms occur which indicate nerve irritation or damage. These symptoms include numbness, tingling and unusual sensations.
More urgent situations involve muscle weakness and muscle loss. These are urgent situations and you should call my office immediately for an appointment.
Sudden urinary or bowel complaints (incontinence or retention) should be evaluated immediately by an emergency room physician with an MRI or CT scan to determine if you have a severely compressed spinal cord or nerves which would require emergency surgery.